This is a 50-minute, independently produced film that consists of 45 one-minute instances, each overflowing into the next in a gushing expression of creativity. Despite deliberately avoiding any explicit structure or object of reference, the film speaks for itself, leading the viewer through an unhinged and chaotic sequence that, despite its absurdity, feel completely relatable. It is a rendering of collective anxiety akin to Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights, seeming to present a caricature of our fears out of real footage — to say you feel “as if a Lion is trying to break in your front door” might sound like an idyllic metaphor for your anxiety, but when the metaphor is made out of real footage, the absurdity appears to collapse into a kind of deranged realism. All your most irrational anxieties could well be real; the lion is really at the door.
Release Date: July 16, 2023
June 25, 2006
March 28, 1945
February 01, 1998
December 03, 2011
April 26, 2023
March 11, 2023
September 25, 2018
October 04, 2023
May 02, 2014
January 01, 2007
June 07, 1975
December 27, 2007
May 31, 2009
October 22, 2016
November 18, 2018
December 31, 2020
January 01, 2017
July 18, 2006
February 26, 1999