Jinta of Tonegawa, commonly known as Banana Boy. He is a "self-proclaimed artist" who dresses as a woman and performs striptease acts. Accompanied by his attendant "Furuchin," who calls Jinta his teacher and respects him as an older brother. Jinta is a futen boy who travels north, south, east, and west to show off his skills and live a carefree life. However, Jinta, who has a bad taste in men, attacks boy boys wherever he goes, earning him a bad reputation from the promoter, and now he is unable to hear from anyone and is out of money. Kaede, the healthy younger sister, is deeply in love with Jinta, but is worried deep down...
Release Date: July 01, 1986
December 27, 2013
February 07, 1992
April 18, 1997
April 24, 1992
May 14, 1993
April 01, 1988
September 01, 1988
October 26, 1993
March 01, 1995
May 01, 1999
October 19, 1990
January 01, 1987
January 01, 1986
April 23, 1982
December 27, 1985
October 29, 1993
August 24, 2002
July 14, 2017
May 31, 1986
February 05, 1982