In a tale spanning generations, a young woman navigates her place within a lineage of military service, defying her own expectations to continue a proud family tradition. Her grandfather, Henry Lee Jackson, a former Marine and Air Force master sergeant, sets the backdrop with his storied career and recognition with the Congressional Gold Medal. Despite initial reservations, the protagonist finds her calling in the military, embarking on a journey that takes her from ROTC in college to challenging assignments abroad, including a pivotal role in Afghanistan and enriching experiences in South Korea. Along the way, she confronts the complexities of advancing in a field still grappling with issues of race and gender, reflecting on the progress made since her grandfather's time and the work that remains. Through her story, we explore themes of duty, courage, and the ongoing struggle for equality, all while honoring the family's enduring commitment to serving their country.
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March 01, 2013
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August 20, 1975
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December 26, 1955
May 07, 2024
January 01, 1959