The lives of four twenty-somethings collide one fateful New Year's Eve in this twisty, blackly comic crime thriller set amidst the ancient walls of Derry, Northern Ireland, in a night of fast talk, accidents and intrigue. Johnny, a small-time crook, and Marie, a dissatisfied shop assistant, are both looking for a fresh start. Greta is on the verge of taking her own life and Pearse has a bounty on his head for asking difficult questions about his missing brother Eddie Kelly. As the clock ticks down to midnight and the night's events expertly fall into place, Jump weaves an existential portrait of the characters' lives as their hopes, fears and secrets are revealed
Release Date: June 08, 2012
July 02, 1986
April 13, 2014
June 02, 1995
October 04, 1987
February 07, 2024
December 31, 2001
June 21, 1960
December 17, 1999
December 20, 1971
May 18, 2001
October 11, 1957
October 12, 2002
December 12, 1993
September 24, 2005
October 26, 2006
January 19, 2005
May 03, 1996
December 25, 1991
May 15, 2008
November 19, 2008