Inspired by John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, the Lightly family struggles with a rebellious son, a selfish adopted daughter, an overworked mother and an out of work father. When they leave for a mountain park to decompress and try to rebuild their once joyful family, tragedy strikes and the Lightlys begin a fight for survival that challenges everything they know about themselves and their beliefs.
Release Date: Invalid Date
February 17, 1992
April 23, 2001
September 13, 2019
September 06, 2024
October 10, 2017
October 10, 1997
February 11, 2022
November 20, 2004
May 25, 2022
February 11, 2008
January 25, 2008
April 20, 1967
August 14, 1998
August 30, 1984
December 22, 1959
March 01, 1996
November 25, 2023
May 29, 1981
April 24, 1982