An epic odyssey about a young teenager who, when his sister is viciously attacked and showing signs of a transformation, leaves his small village in search of a legendary werewolf hunter who can reverse the gruesome curse. When he finds the ‘legend,’ Devlin, slumped against a bar and in no mood for ghost stories, Devlin takes the kid’s money and agrees to hunt down this phantom monster, only to find themselves in a deadly whirlwind of carnage.
Release Date: Invalid Date
October 22, 2016
October 20, 1998
September 21, 1984
October 16, 2015
December 12, 1941
March 20, 2006
February 25, 2005
January 26, 2007
May 29, 1997
November 21, 2014
December 11, 2000
August 13, 1963
January 22, 2009
November 17, 2010
March 17, 1988
July 10, 2004
May 13, 2004
October 27, 1995
October 16, 1988
February 23, 1985