Sabu, a low-ranking samurai, finds himself unable to apprehend the ruthless leader of a violent gang of thieves, which leads to a scolding from his fellow friend and leaves him feeling disheartened. Meanwhile, Ichi, a blind masseur is called upon to provide a massage while passing by the residence of Iwashiroya, a prominent tea wholesaler in Edo. To his surprise, one of Iwashiroya's mistresses, Oshin, reacts unexpectedly upon seeing Ichi's face. Later that night, while returning home drunk, Ichi faces an attack by a ronin, whom he successfully overpowers and kills. Later Ichi accompanied by Sabu, revisits the scene, only to discover that the victim was not a ronin but rather an ordinary townsman. Subsequently, it comes to light that the victim was the sole heir of Iwashiroya. They have fallen into a trap. As rumors circulate that Ichi is the culprit, he is captured and subjected to torture, resulting in him being left critically injured...
Release Date: October 16, 1981
July 02, 1957
May 10, 1939
April 29, 1957
February 07, 2004
September 25, 1954
July 12, 1955
January 03, 1956
October 22, 1994
August 26, 1950
September 06, 2003
January 15, 1957
April 03, 1965
October 25, 1959
April 11, 1992
May 27, 1958
January 29, 1958
October 14, 1961
April 12, 2019
February 22, 2019
October 31, 2015