Ordinary is a 2012 Malayalam comedy drama film directed by Sugeeth and written by Nishad K. Koya and Manu Prasad. The film stars Kunchacko Boban, Biju Menon, Asif Ali, Jishnu, Shritha Sivadas and Ann Augustine in the main roles. The cinematography is by Faisal Ali and the music is composed by Vidyasagar. The film follows the adventures of a K.S.R.T.C. bus that travels from Pathanamthitta to the village of Gavi. It received mixed critical reviews and turned out to be the first blockbuster film of 2012 in Malayalam cinema.
Release Date: March 17, 2012
August 26, 2016
February 10, 2017
May 29, 1998
August 26, 2016
December 14, 1994
February 22, 2005
April 27, 2006
March 17, 2024
August 06, 1964
September 10, 2001
May 23, 2007
September 01, 1999
August 08, 1941
March 20, 2014
August 29, 1991
June 29, 2006
December 12, 2013
August 20, 1982
September 11, 1998
June 12, 2015