The fifth film in the 24-film Range Busters series finds "Crash", "Dusty" and Alibi, on their way to Gopher City to become the town's peace officers. In the saloon, young Jimmy Rowell is losing money in a crooked poker game to saloon owner Bob Harmon. Harmon and his henchman Bart Gill are in reality wanted-outlaw brothers Jim and Ike Breedon seeking revenge against Jimmy and his school-teaching sister Sally as their father, a circuit judge in Nebraska, had sentenced their brother Bud to be hanged. Harmon involves Jimmy, because of his gambling debts, in a robbery of a rancher known to keep large amounts of money at his ranch. The Range Busters break up the robbery, Bart is killed, as is Rancher Fleming, and Jimmy is wounded but escapes. Harmon, setting a trap for Crash, tricks Sally and Jimmy to his hideout, and Crash follows them.
Release Date: February 10, 1941
April 19, 1941
August 27, 1943
June 04, 1943
August 29, 1941
June 12, 1942
November 25, 1940
September 04, 1942
March 26, 1943
October 29, 1943
July 30, 1941
April 24, 1942
November 21, 1941
August 22, 1940
October 09, 1941
February 19, 1943
January 09, 1942
October 10, 1940
January 04, 1941
June 02, 1949
April 14, 1936