The carefree and somewhat idyllic life of a ten year old boy named Marijan is violently interrupted when war ravages his small town of Dalj and his families closest friends and neighbors turn on them purely because they are Croatian. Marijan is forced to witness and experience things an adult would have an incredibly difficult time dealing with. He is nevertheless faced with the inexplicably horrid events war brings out in people. The story centers on a present day Marijan- now the very successful owner of a wood manufacturing business. On one random day a man walks into his store and all of the memories he wishes he could long forget come flooding back, forcing him to relive them. Despite his immense hardships, Marijan lives on in forgiveness, always seeking the positives that lay in the future rather than rehashing and remaining in the past.
Release Date: Invalid Date
June 06, 1935
October 29, 1963
December 14, 1984
February 14, 1991
September 23, 1994
October 01, 1985
May 21, 2003
April 22, 1953
April 10, 1955
March 23, 1940
March 25, 1983
April 01, 1930
August 08, 1986
April 26, 2002
June 27, 1973
September 23, 2005
February 27, 2004
March 08, 2013
October 15, 1999
December 01, 1972