While flying to Argentina to film a VIP season of the Docu-reality TV show, "Goalstar", the team's plane crashes in the heart of the African savanna. When the team looks for food and water, they are kidnapped by a local African tribe that plans to execute them as suspected intruders. The tribe people are surprised to find the team has packed soccer equipment in their luggage, and they think they're the best soccer team in the world (where in reality, they're a bunch of actors and talents). The tribe forces the team to represent them in a soccer game against the opposing tribe to solve an old conflict on the only water source around.
Release Date: July 11, 2024
October 23, 1940
January 01, 1999
January 05, 2018
November 15, 2009
November 13, 2021
November 03, 2006
April 11, 2002
September 02, 2005
December 19, 2008
May 13, 2005
December 26, 2001
March 17, 2006
February 05, 2014
October 18, 2006
February 17, 2005
May 31, 2002
August 25, 2000
April 04, 1997
October 15, 2003
February 10, 2000