In Miami’s neon-lit streets, “EXOTIC” follows Alejandro Vasquez, a charismatic entrepreneur leading a double life. Publicly, he runs an exotic car rental business, but secretly, he operates a criminal organization for the Calamar Cartel. His life is upended when Isabella, a New York journalist, arrives to expose Miami’s underworld. As she gets closer to the truth, tensions rise and loyalties are tested. “EXOTIC” is a thrilling tale of crime and redemption, blurring the line between hero and villain against Miami’s glamorous backdrop.
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October 03, 1996
March 14, 2004
April 02, 2000
August 02, 2018
May 08, 2015
September 15, 1959
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June 05, 2003
March 09, 2006
January 18, 2004
February 01, 1991
November 22, 1995
September 02, 2005
September 30, 2004
December 08, 1994
October 10, 1997
July 16, 2004
December 05, 1984
December 09, 1983
July 31, 1986