Walt Disney Presents, Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color, Disney’s Wonderful World, Walt Disney, The Disney Sunday Movie, The Magical World of Disney. These are some of the titles of the Disney anthology series that first aired as Disneyland in 1954. Ron Howard and Suzanne Somers serve as hosts for the musical celebration.
Release Date: September 13, 1978
October 16, 1998
January 07, 2022
February 08, 2013
April 18, 2013
January 01, 1980
August 08, 1974
June 12, 2002
December 28, 1992
December 13, 1952
June 15, 2013
January 01, 2002
January 01, 1980
January 01, 1976
January 01, 1981
February 01, 2021
December 12, 2011
April 11, 2004
September 08, 1978
August 29, 1994
April 25, 1991