The final film produced by Warsaw’s Documentary Film Studio is an epic re-enactment of a treacherous mission by the Voluntary Tatra Mountain Rescue Service to aid colleagues stranded behind enemy lines at the close of World War II (several real participants feature in the film). Based on a short story about the rescue by Adam Liberak, Munk’s final “documentary” is also arguably his first major exercise in the craft of narrative filmmaking.
Release Date: October 12, 1955
January 15, 1947
May 17, 1976
May 02, 1979
March 23, 1979
May 21, 2001
October 04, 1987
January 15, 1943
October 08, 1945
May 23, 1984
September 17, 1981
December 01, 1982
November 18, 1966
April 27, 1959
December 18, 1961
October 11, 1957
February 28, 2001
November 16, 2017
November 30, 2001
February 08, 2008
November 21, 2007