In the final hours of the Pacific War, Okinawa was the destination for Korean men conscripted as “military laborers” and Korean women taken as “comfort women.” Little is known about the number of casualties or their experiences. In 1989, Park Soonam started to track down the survivors of the Battle of Okinawa to record their testimonies. In 1990, Park visits Korea in search of former “military laborers” who had survived Okinawa and repatriated to Korea. The survivors vividly recount their experiences of their compatriots’ murder and about the “comfort women” to the Zainichi Korean female director. The film zeroes in on the murder of Korean “military laborers” and the presence of “comfort women” in Okinawa via testimonies of former Japanese soldiers.
Release Date: January 01, 1991
September 18, 2015
December 02, 2017
September 18, 2020
March 18, 2000
July 25, 2019
August 08, 2019
April 29, 1995
June 20, 2019
April 07, 2024
June 25, 2017
August 14, 2017
August 14, 1979
August 25, 2022
November 02, 2014
June 08, 1990
October 29, 2023
September 12, 1996
August 23, 1997
October 10, 2021
March 27, 2021