Based on the beloved Sega video game of the same name, nine fighters from different time periods and backgrounds are resurrected by an enigmatic entity known as the Eternal Champion. A tournament takes place to determine one fighter to win the chance to change their fate and prevent their untimely death.
Release Date: Invalid Date
July 09, 1982
August 18, 1995
March 11, 1999
July 18, 1998
July 02, 2001
October 20, 2005
February 05, 2014
September 07, 2006
December 31, 2011
June 11, 2001
July 21, 2003
November 29, 2007
November 04, 1994
October 18, 2007
September 20, 2007
October 02, 2008
August 21, 2010
May 19, 2010
May 11, 2001
March 03, 2007