In this Kuwaiti comedy, Dr. Salem, a veterinarian, is desperate to convince his fiancée, Samia, that he's a physician for humans, not animals. To pull off the ruse, he enlists his assistant to disguise the clinic's true purpose, leading to a series of humorous mishaps and misunderstandings. As the charade unfolds, comic twists ensue, putting both his relationship and his secret at risk.
Release Date: April 06, 1968
June 01, 1965
May 15, 1966
January 01, 1969
February 06, 1979
June 15, 1969
May 15, 1961
May 06, 1963
January 01, 1982
November 29, 2022
January 01, 1989
June 16, 1988
June 15, 1986
January 01, 1988
January 01, 1985
January 01, 1967
January 01, 1966
May 27, 1987
January 01, 1967
January 01, 1961