The Little Wooden Toy. The unforgettable story of a little wooden boy who longs with all his heart to become real. When a small spark of magic escapes from the Blue Fairy's home, it travels down toy maker Gepetto's chimney, bringing one small log to life. Then, when Gepetto's toys stop being sold regularly, he decides to make a toy for his own using this same log. Soon, his new wooden puppet is complete, which instantly comes to life getting mixed up in all kinds of troubles. Soon, however, with the guidance of the talking cricket and the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio learns what is needed for him to earn his heart's desire of becoming a real boy. Written by Frederick Irizarry.
Release Date: May 11, 1992
June 23, 1965
December 04, 1977
June 27, 1984
July 07, 2021
June 27, 1986
October 29, 1989
December 18, 2018
June 12, 2022
May 14, 1984
December 16, 1987
November 21, 1996
May 15, 1991
June 29, 2001
September 05, 2007
October 21, 2016
June 06, 1962
March 27, 1989
November 21, 1985
December 20, 1972
December 10, 1992