The plot follows Steva, who is in love with an actress, Duja, who adores his motorcycle, and Bane, who plans to steal the motorcycle. Nikola desperately searches for a job, while Toma is in love with Mira, who is in an abusive relationship and occasionally thinks about Toma. The film highlights the despair and isolation of a generation in the post-war era.
Release Date: February 22, 2001
February 05, 1993
February 16, 2006
July 24, 1970
May 16, 2008
December 14, 2002
November 02, 2007
September 09, 2020
February 13, 2002
December 01, 2008
May 10, 2006
October 01, 2007
December 07, 2016
March 08, 1991
August 31, 1929
April 15, 1988
July 11, 1983
August 16, 1985
June 22, 2013
May 13, 1995
August 23, 2002