This is a story about an ordinary Belyakov family from the city of Taganrog, who comes to Turkey on vacation and finds themselves in a difficult situation: due to a mistake by the head of the family, Sergey Belyakov, the hotel rooms turned out to be paid for next year, but there is no money for the return trip. In addition, at the hotel the Belyakovs meet the wealthy Dubravin family, whom they have been mortally jealous of since their school years and try to compete with them in everything. The Belyakovs cannot admit their failure to their "sworn friends" and go all in: they begin to pose as representatives of the elite, burying themselves deeper in their lies...
Release Date: September 26, 2024
January 27, 2007
August 14, 1998
May 29, 1981
May 12, 2006
October 05, 2001
June 10, 1996
January 31, 1986
March 30, 2007
November 26, 2003
August 23, 1996
December 06, 1996
April 28, 2006
January 17, 2003
July 14, 2006
November 26, 2008
November 25, 1998
May 10, 2007
April 20, 2001
March 10, 2014
September 07, 2007