A young dockworker who owes his life to his boss becomes embroiled in union activity on the Yokohama waterfront. The rebel Saburo works as an errand boy for a shipping company and vents his frustrations by plucking on the guitar.
Release Date: September 30, 1962
July 13, 1979
March 17, 2000
April 26, 2002
July 16, 2004
November 19, 2009
February 06, 1987
October 01, 2007
January 22, 2009
April 21, 1993
September 27, 1956
July 01, 1987
June 30, 1989
December 10, 1987
July 26, 1989
February 16, 2006
February 01, 2016
March 01, 1991
May 29, 2015
October 04, 1991
August 18, 1989