Jojo, a young judge, returns to his hometown after a series of events disturb his composure. While struggling with the shadows of corruption and the suicide of his father who is also a judge, Jojo finds himself trapped in a human trafficking network. Together with her colleagues, including a new judge named Abigail, she is determined to uphold justice despite having to deal with dark forces that threaten her life and her family.
Release Date: October 24, 2024
June 05, 1936
December 03, 2008
January 16, 1975
April 18, 1986
September 08, 1990
April 19, 1990
February 02, 1996
December 22, 1989
June 18, 1986
September 17, 1993
October 23, 1987
August 05, 1983
January 30, 2004
February 16, 2009
August 17, 1997
October 04, 1985
November 21, 1996
February 16, 2006
November 18, 1997
November 08, 1956