The story revolves around Hirak Ganguly and Manik Ganguly, also known as Hirak and Manik. Their father Alok Ganguly is well-to-do. One day, their car collides with a lorry and the parents perish. Hirak and Manik get shelter in their uncle Baren Ganguly's house. But their aunt doesn't show any special fondness for them. A heart-warming tale of two orphans and their journey through a life of misery, oppression, escape, and adventure.
Release Date: January 01, 1979
September 26, 2008
August 26, 1955
July 25, 2018
August 01, 1990
October 21, 1957
April 27, 2007
February 06, 1998
July 20, 1930
February 14, 2024
November 11, 1984
November 04, 2012
January 01, 1962
January 01, 2017
August 01, 2010
May 04, 2007
April 30, 2014
May 10, 1965
March 19, 2000
October 19, 1999
August 01, 1927