The theme revolves around the character Damini who represents truth and innocence. After her marriage in renowned wealthy family, Damini happens to see a cruel act done by her brother-in-law. She wants the victim to get justice, but the family including her husband oppose her, which leads her to leave the house. Soon she is helped by a drunkard, an ex-advocate, who helps her in all respect to reach to her aim and therefore justice
Release Date: April 30, 1993
October 13, 1995
March 17, 2006
September 02, 1999
May 15, 2019
August 26, 1950
May 21, 2003
May 25, 1972
March 08, 2001
December 25, 1997
July 01, 1959
March 12, 1999
March 15, 2002
February 14, 1997
December 18, 1985
June 06, 1980
September 17, 1999
April 20, 1989
July 08, 1978
January 23, 2013
April 22, 2021