In this offbeat coming-of-age tale, a charming, rebellious high school dropout named Kanta befriends the kind, provincial Shoji. The two bring out the best in each other, each gaining confidence from their friendship - especially regarding pursuit of the opposite sex. The working class Kanta becomes a sort of unruly anti-hero, maintaining his pride, defiance, and self-assurance even as his prospects seem increasingly grim.
Release Date: July 14, 2012
April 02, 1982
December 31, 1970
October 07, 1960
April 07, 1989
March 28, 2007
June 19, 1964
December 21, 1987
March 24, 2000
January 30, 2008
April 03, 1970
December 16, 1987
June 04, 1963
May 01, 2022
April 04, 1997
September 13, 2005
May 24, 1979
January 30, 1987
August 22, 1953
November 09, 1958
April 14, 2010