The fictional tale of the murderous 19th century barber (Ben Kinglsey) who sold his kills to a neighboring butcher (Joanna Lumley) for her renowned meat pies. A young innocent (Selina Boyack) and the dashing inspector (Campbell Scott) who tries to solve the murders are also thrown into the mix.
Release Date: August 30, 1998
July 01, 1972
April 12, 2014
October 16, 2014
June 06, 1935
October 31, 1984
September 19, 1986
June 06, 2006
September 22, 1995
November 09, 2002
April 26, 2016
October 02, 2020
July 03, 1968
January 22, 2008
December 01, 1934
January 01, 2008
May 21, 2003
November 03, 1994
September 09, 2006
May 11, 1983
November 16, 1940