One of the four films in the Pine-Thomas series based on radio's long-running "Big Town." This time out, society editor Lorelei Kilbourne is assigned to the police beat. Her paper, "The Illustrated Press", following its usual policy of socially-correct muckraking by crusading editor Steve Wilson, is putting heat on the chief of police. But Lorelei believes the chief is qualified to do the job. She and managing editor Steve Wilson, who, in the film series, is wrong more often than right, discover a corpse and then proceed to help the police solve the crime.
Release Date: February 27, 1947
April 09, 1976
February 15, 1936
November 11, 1959
April 19, 1956
June 29, 1951
January 03, 1955
February 27, 2009
May 21, 1917
August 23, 1946
July 26, 1950
December 17, 1942
September 26, 1931
September 01, 1950
May 11, 1946
September 14, 2012
May 20, 2016
September 14, 1935
June 01, 1950
March 15, 1954
March 04, 1959