The film "Artyom Tomilov" tells the story of a modern-day Odysseus with an ironic and elegiac tone. Theater director Artyom Tomilov, who grew up in the marginalized outskirts of Omsk, returns to his hometown after 15 years to stage an autofictional play about himself. The events unfolding during the production become part of the play, alongside the myths, spirits, and memories of the hero's past and the people of Omsk.
Release Date: Invalid Date
September 15, 2000
June 21, 1988
July 18, 2019
January 25, 2002
November 02, 2000
February 18, 2023
June 25, 2003
September 24, 1993
July 23, 1993
April 07, 1995
February 15, 2007
November 12, 2019
August 16, 1989
June 22, 1984
February 17, 2016
August 29, 2019
August 14, 1967
December 17, 1964
September 18, 1992
October 28, 2009