In 202X, Tathagata Killer, a mysterious military leader armed with extraterrestrial technology, stages a coup and becomes the new emperor of the world superpower of Asia. Sho Shishimaru, gifted with prophetic powers, may be the only one standing in the way of Killer’s take-over of the entire world. The future of humankind is at stake in this epic struggle, but in its midst, we learn about the mystical laws that rule the world around us.
Release Date: August 26, 2012
January 01, 1951
July 23, 1949
January 01, 1943
August 21, 2009
October 22, 2007
July 17, 1943
January 01, 1943
January 05, 1937
January 15, 1943
November 07, 1940
November 26, 1943
December 11, 1941
January 13, 1942
August 10, 1943
January 11, 1942
July 20, 1942
August 27, 1943
November 06, 1942
January 22, 1942
January 07, 1943