Yuki Onozaki, who was studying at a Women's College in Tokyo, was originally a young and ignorant girl, but her life changed completely in the summer of a certain year. During the summer vacation, Yuki returned to her hometown of Kyoto, only to be raped by the lover of her mother. Yuki then abandoned her studies and chose a depraved life. She met the gang leader Kiyoshi Oba and factory industrialists. Although these men could give her more or less physical comfort, they could not open Yuki's locked heart. It was not until the appearance of the young architect Yoichiro Honma that Yuki's love flower gradually bloomed. Soon, Yoichiro's first love while studying in France, Sandra, finds her, which makes Yuki's heart surge. After several twists and turns, Yoichiro decided to marry Yuki, but the trials never stopped...
Release Date: December 17, 1971
March 15, 2002
February 14, 1997
July 01, 1959
February 09, 1976
December 08, 1995
April 26, 1996
July 01, 1969
February 09, 1972
August 05, 1972
June 28, 1972
June 07, 1972
May 17, 1972
March 29, 1972
March 18, 1972
February 29, 1972
May 31, 1991
February 08, 1991
December 03, 1993
March 12, 1999
April 01, 1967