There is an ongoing war between two Girl Gangs, the Akabane 100 Club and the Ikebukuro Cavalry. Yukiko, the "Bankaku," or chief bodyguard of the Akabane, is released from reform school and sets about to finish an ongoing one-on-one grudge match with the Arab Falcon and the whole Cavalry gang. With a theme song by 1970s Japanese "Group Sounds" band Carol, and live performance. Rock and Sukeban unite for an extraordinary and cool piece of filmmaking.
Release Date: September 25, 1973
December 13, 2000
March 07, 1965
June 19, 1976
July 06, 1990
February 09, 1968
October 07, 1978
June 28, 1969
January 24, 1970
September 22, 1989
December 22, 2001
October 15, 2017
July 23, 1995
July 04, 2014
April 23, 1995
December 23, 2016
June 24, 1969
January 24, 2014
April 04, 2002
January 14, 1967
May 14, 1966