In the sixth and final episode Rentaro Mikuni steals the show as Baiken Shishido, Musashi's nemesis. Mikuni is the nominal villain of the film, but he is a devoted husband and father as well. He tries to kill Musashi only to avenge the death of his brother-in-law. While Baiken (who wields a chain and sickle against Musashi's sword) is a very human character and the emotions that Mikuni displays in his performance are quite believable and engaging
Release Date: February 20, 1971
April 26, 1954
July 14, 1937
March 28, 1990
February 03, 2023
June 29, 1985
October 25, 1959
April 12, 2019
February 22, 2019
October 21, 2016
October 31, 2015
November 12, 2021
April 11, 1992
June 11, 1961
January 03, 2022
December 30, 1972
August 11, 1973
February 09, 1974
May 17, 2024
May 29, 1952
March 15, 1963