This film tells the story of Gonthramm, a young knight who sought in vain for the Holy Grail and, on the way back to join his bride, Galeswithe, is met by Queen Banschi in the nightmarish realm of the Sylphs. Brum do Canto based the story on Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle's Les Elfes.
Release Date: January 01, 1929
August 02, 1914
September 17, 1921
June 03, 1932
October 24, 1926
May 23, 1918
June 01, 1924
May 28, 2021
September 27, 1928
September 01, 1916
July 24, 1927
May 01, 1927
May 15, 1927
November 15, 1929
August 09, 1915
October 06, 1921
September 02, 1929
December 09, 2023
August 24, 1914
August 12, 1927
October 01, 1923