Drama based loosely on the final years of Kenya game warden and lion-raiser George Adamson's life. An unofficial sequel to 'Born Free' (1966) and 'Living Free' (1972), which also dramatized the life of Adamson, this film picks up the life of George on the African wildlife preserve he runs with the help of his brother Terrence. When drifter Tony Fitzjohn arrives to work for the old men he initially takes poorly to the task, almost savaged by a lion on his first day and on the verge of leaving when he hears that his predecessor was killed in a similar incident. The arrival of a lion cub that Fitzjohn must care for and raise changes everything. Soon he finds himself helping the brothers in their fight to save lions - and, ultimately, the park itself - from the poachers, soldiers and corrupt government officials that threaten them.
Release Date: June 04, 1999
February 09, 1940
August 09, 1996
September 13, 2005
October 13, 2017
May 18, 1980
December 18, 1985
November 08, 2022
January 06, 2011
January 09, 2022
August 14, 2014
May 08, 2014
August 01, 1985
December 10, 1991
May 15, 2008
September 17, 1999
January 01, 1969
May 02, 2014
January 01, 2008
January 31, 1988
January 01, 2010