The film is based on the popular science-fiction novel “Professor Dowell’s Head” by Russian writer Alexander Belyaev. For many years, a prominent scientist had been striving to solve the problem of immortality. He shared the results of his daring and risky experiments with his colleagues. But one day something happened that no one could have foreseen: the professor had disappeared. The best student and follower of Professor Dowell tries to use the results of his scientific research for criminal purposes. It looks like he is going to succeed…
Release Date: August 06, 1984
March 08, 2018
August 15, 1986
November 10, 2000
August 09, 1985
September 01, 1990
June 15, 2006
July 07, 1960
October 26, 2001
October 10, 1985
November 22, 1994
June 08, 2018
December 25, 1980
October 28, 2002
January 24, 2020
June 10, 2007
November 04, 2020
August 07, 1985
April 23, 1970
June 25, 2004
September 14, 2018