Luigi Batzella directed this spaghetti western under the pseudonym "Paolo Solvay." Gioffredo Scarciofolo stars (using his standard alias, "Jeff Cameron") as Tom Carter, whose brother was murdered and robbed by the evil Ringo Brown (William Mayor) shortly after taking all his money out of the bank to marry Cora (Krista Nell), a local saloon girl. Tom is suspicious of Cora, but she helps him unmask the real killer.
Release Date: November 14, 1971
June 23, 1976
July 12, 1950
March 14, 1967
September 01, 1970
November 18, 1972
September 01, 1957
August 17, 2006
June 12, 1963
April 11, 1997
March 27, 2019
February 07, 1980
January 16, 2008
June 06, 2015
March 01, 2011
February 25, 1941
Invalid Date
December 21, 2007
June 20, 2007
January 01, 1989
January 01, 1972