The story begins when Toby (Ivan Jackson), a young English businessman, arrives in South Africa to take charge of a publishing firm. He knows little about apartheid and so at first sees no contradiction in developing a relationship with an elite, upper-class white woman and with a woman dedicated to fighting apartheid. But as Toby makes friends with one of the black South Africans (Zaku Mokae), and as he registers both the subtle and more obvious, deep-seated racial prejudices of the minority white population, some of the truth of the oppression here begins to dawn. That is brought to a head when tragedy strikes.
Release Date: October 04, 1962
April 29, 1930
July 28, 1929
August 10, 1950
May 29, 1953
December 06, 1990
August 28, 1953
June 01, 1965
November 12, 2020
May 03, 1957
February 08, 1959
March 31, 2021
September 29, 2000
March 01, 2023
March 22, 1978
July 22, 2023
December 17, 2022
November 27, 1931
January 21, 1921
March 01, 2023