This day-in-the-life cult comedy focuses on a group of friends working at Sully Boyar's Car Wash in the Los Angeles ghetto. The team meets dozens of eccentric customers -- including a smooth-talking preacher, a wacky cab driver and an ex-convict -- while cracking politically incorrect jokes to a constant soundtrack of disco and funk. Some of the workers find romance as the day moves along, but most are just happy to get through another shift.
Release Date: October 22, 1976
August 01, 1991
May 25, 1990
June 29, 1971
September 09, 1970
January 24, 1979
September 12, 1935
February 14, 2005
December 05, 1984
May 18, 1987
July 03, 1985
March 23, 1990
March 06, 1998
December 31, 2004
March 08, 2014
April 09, 1952
November 28, 2013
October 11, 2002
October 25, 1996
March 04, 2006
December 02, 1981