The film tells the story of Blinky Bill’s childhood with his animal friends in the Australian bush. The peace and charm of their existence is shattered by the destruction of their homes by humans. Blinky Bill rallies his friends, in a series of exciting adventures, as they battle to protect their homes from destruction and as he rescues his mother from captivity.
Release Date: September 24, 1992
August 03, 2007
December 14, 1984
November 25, 1992
June 21, 1988
October 30, 1995
October 30, 1999
September 29, 1994
June 26, 1976
February 25, 2003
December 03, 1986
November 08, 2019
January 02, 1933
May 26, 1995
March 06, 1985
August 06, 1999
February 04, 1944
September 23, 2005
March 18, 2010
May 19, 2017
January 11, 2022