Felix Bender (Nikita Wokurka) is an eleven-year-old orphan who lives with unloving foster parents. For five years he’s been waiting for his older brother to pick him up, but his hopes fade away with each year’s passing. On his eleventh birthday Felix gets a laptop from the only person who cares about him, his neighbor Rasmus. The man hopes that Felix would be able to get in contact with his brother through the internet, but during the first connection a little accident happens: a mouse runs over the keyboard and accidentally makes the laptop download a program that awakens the old car and gives that car a soul. Soon the boy and his car are being hunted by the owners of the program, who want to get it back and destroy the car.
Release Date: April 16, 2006
October 06, 2000
July 11, 1980
December 23, 1968
June 15, 2017
March 16, 2000
October 02, 2020
December 12, 1997
May 24, 2002
April 09, 2013
September 30, 1977
April 12, 1971
October 03, 1982
June 29, 1984
July 12, 1970
June 08, 2015
December 19, 2013
June 08, 2006
September 03, 2016
December 15, 2000
July 14, 2016