"Terrorists" is a comedy about life in post-9/11 America: Curtis Gorfurter, small-town police chief, unhappy with his lowly status and eager to prove himself in the War Against Terror, interprets a series of unrelated events as proof of an impending terrorist attack. When a graduate student of Mideastern descent arrives in town to authenticate the world's largest stool, he unwittingly becomes the police chief's prime terrorist suspect. In creating this climate of fear, the chief acquires the power and the perks he's always dreamed of. And when he raises the town's alert level from brick to tangerine, panic ensues and common sense takes a holiday.
Release Date: January 01, 2004
August 31, 2005
June 01, 2003
February 01, 2022
December 24, 1925
July 07, 1977
May 24, 1985
November 13, 1971
October 07, 2016
November 16, 2017
December 12, 1993
September 29, 1982
July 08, 2005
April 04, 1997
May 12, 1995
March 02, 2017
September 21, 1991
September 14, 2017
August 13, 1998
July 10, 2017
August 09, 2019