In a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness, a vengeful police officer searches for a possessed serial killer in a battle of the not-so-good versus absolute evil.
Release Date: September 09, 2010
July 03, 1991
November 13, 1987
November 21, 2008
March 28, 1980
August 25, 1979
June 29, 1985
October 31, 2013
October 04, 1968
September 07, 2006
October 20, 2014
July 02, 2001
February 07, 2006
January 01, 1999
August 22, 2016
October 14, 1999
January 17, 1992
October 27, 2012
December 24, 1981
April 21, 1989
July 18, 2006