Set in rural Nebraska following the First World War, six veterans on motorcycles ride into the sleepy little town of Bingo. The locals are friendly until one of the vets beats a local kid in a drag race, after which the six are driven out of town. After coming upon a small farm, the fugitives are allowed to hide out by the two sisters who run the place. Things go smoothly until one of the vets, after smoking the locoweed growing nearby, tries to rape one of the hosts. Being part Native American, her sister decides to get revenge by casting a hex that steadily does in each of the unwelcome guests.
Release Date: October 05, 1973
July 30, 2022
April 03, 2014
September 24, 1957
January 01, 1987
November 14, 2019
July 14, 1999
December 15, 2018
January 19, 2007
November 04, 1974
June 24, 1994
September 22, 2012
March 08, 1985
March 26, 1969
February 17, 1988
October 29, 1986
January 01, 1978
July 30, 2010
November 07, 2024
April 27, 1973
February 26, 2004