A Girl Thing is a mini-series that revolves around a New York city street, a coffee house and a shrinks office. Dr. Beth Noonan is the therapist to one star per hour. Hour one deals with a woman not capable of having a relationship. Hour Two is about sisters who hate each other, trying to get along one last time. Hour Three is about adultery.
Release Date: January 19, 2001
July 07, 2000
December 28, 2008
August 25, 1995
May 14, 2002
May 31, 2002
March 20, 2003
April 01, 2005
January 30, 2008
April 26, 2006
March 03, 2016
September 15, 2005
January 20, 2005
May 25, 2019
July 06, 2016
October 05, 1972
October 19, 2014
April 24, 2018
September 28, 1990
September 14, 2007
August 08, 2014