A musical comedy set to a hip-hop beat, the feature debut from actress-turned-director Blanca Li finds a dedicated young breakdancer abandoning his comfortable life in a bid for fame in the U.S.A. Dropping out of school and leaving home to escape his overbearing mother, 18-year-old David dedicates all of his time to perfecting his moves with his dance team, the Urban Cycle Breakers. As David and his team begin gearing-up to face-off against a rival group of intimidating dancers, his dreams of finding romance with Samia and making it to the world dance finals in New York finally seem to be coming into focus.
Release Date: May 22, 2002
December 23, 1946
September 28, 1999
December 25, 1997
December 06, 1996
April 06, 1990
January 12, 2001
May 28, 2003
January 12, 2022
March 19, 1975
December 12, 1980
April 01, 2004
February 16, 2006
August 02, 1962
May 13, 1959
November 18, 1983
October 29, 1953
October 21, 1964
June 22, 1979
January 31, 2014
September 29, 1979