This short animation transports us from the farthest conceivable point of the universe to the tiniest particle of existence, an atom of a living human cell. The art of animation and animation camera achieve this exhilarating journey with a freshness and clarity. Without words.
Release Date: February 02, 1968
December 01, 1933
April 27, 2016
July 23, 1949
January 01, 2002
July 01, 2020
May 24, 2006
April 30, 2008
January 01, 1980
December 31, 2022
August 03, 1985
January 01, 2014
January 01, 1974
January 01, 1960
November 09, 2018
March 18, 2018
January 01, 2020
October 24, 2015
January 01, 1974
January 01, 1971
February 14, 2014