Emerging from a stint in prison, yakuza lieutenant Sumukawa discovers that his gang has disintegrated. An ambitious type, he quickly hooks up with another gang who promise him a prominent position if he helps them deal with a rival family. But bonds are made to be broken, and pledges of loyalty soon give way to competition, betrayal and — naturally — retaliation.
Release Date: October 05, 1968
October 10, 2003
June 28, 1969
October 31, 2001
December 09, 1994
November 10, 1971
September 22, 1989
February 09, 1968
October 07, 1978
June 19, 1976
July 04, 2014
July 28, 1965
March 12, 1966
February 08, 2019
October 29, 1966
March 25, 2000
December 16, 2022
January 24, 1970
December 22, 2001
March 07, 1965
May 14, 1966