The "Eleven Brooklyn Bombshells," a band led by Mickey Monroe ('Dennis O'Keefe (I)' ), are stranded in Tahiti at the time of the fall of France to the Nazis. Suzette "Suzie" Durand (Simone Simon). a French-American girl singing in a nightclub is consumed with a desire to go to the United States. Things go from bad to worse for the band,. and they are faced with the necessity of either taking a girl singer into the group,which they all regard as bad luck, or starving. The band insists that she be dropped as soon as they can earn enough to catch a bot home. But Mickey falls in love with Suzie, and smuggles her on board the ship.
Release Date: April 06, 1943
June 21, 1977
October 24, 2018
April 11, 1952
December 26, 1946
January 01, 1969
October 12, 1972
September 19, 2009
May 31, 2018
October 13, 1989
November 18, 1982
October 21, 1937
December 23, 1955
January 01, 1970
September 20, 2017
September 01, 1957
September 13, 1933
June 25, 1948
December 26, 1950
December 23, 1953
September 28, 1941