Following the unprecedented disruption caused by the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano, The Volcano That Stopped Britain explores the geological and scientific background behind the headlines of this extraordinary story. The documentary identifies the dangers posed by the ash and the effects that it has on aircraft and aviation, as well as exploring the impacts of further possible eruptions to the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
Release Date: May 01, 2010
December 01, 1972
July 01, 1998
December 17, 2003
January 01, 1992
March 28, 2003
April 25, 1997
June 29, 2000
February 15, 1950
February 24, 1972
October 25, 1961
September 22, 2020
July 11, 2014
May 03, 1941
November 24, 1966
April 05, 1940
Invalid Date
April 22, 2007
September 01, 2004
February 07, 1997
January 30, 1998