Liberty Kid is a 2007 low-budget American film that is directed by Ilya Chaiken. Two friends Derrick and Tico lost their jobs at a concession stand at the Statue of Liberty because of 9/11. In order to make money, they become drug dealers and participate in insurance scams. Derrick wants to go to college and has to support his two kids. When recruiters from the army come, Derrick decides to join the army because he is told that he'll get money for college and live rent free. When he tells his mom his decision, she says that she is afraid that he'll have to go to war. The recruiter tells him that his mom is only worried because it is her job as a mom.
Release Date: June 17, 2007
September 15, 2004
April 10, 2014
July 26, 2013
August 04, 2000
May 11, 1989
October 23, 2005
November 23, 2017
December 08, 2016
October 18, 2012
October 04, 1980
January 15, 2004
June 03, 2009
April 01, 1999
October 10, 2003
April 18, 2003
December 16, 1993
March 28, 2014
August 07, 2014
May 31, 1977
March 31, 1978